By Stephanie Whaley, Founder & Astrologer @ Oromoon



Remember, these horoscopes are a general guide, and you have the power to create your destiny. May this Sagittarius Season be a time of profound growth and positive change, enhancing every aspect of your journey!



Embrace the fiery energy of Sagittarius season, Aries! This is your time to chase after your dreams with renewed vigor and passion. Whether it’s starting a new venture, exploring unknown territories, or simply learning something new, the universe is urging you to step out of your comfort zone and seize the day. Remember, your courage and enthusiasm are your greatest assets. Let them guide you towards incredible adventures and fulfilling experiences.

Self-Care Tip:

Energizing Morning Routine: Kickstart your day with activities that invigorate your body and mind. Think of a high-energy workout, a refreshing cold shower, or a nourishing breakfast. This routine will not only prepare you for the day ahead but also keep you aligned with your goals.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“Every challenge is a stepping stone towards my success.”


This Sagittarius season is a call to dive deep into your inner world, Taurus. Embrace the transformative energies at play and allow yourself to grow from within. Reflect on your core values, reassess your life goals, and be open to evolving. This is a period for profound personal development, where you can turn your dreams into reality by aligning them with your true self. Trust in the process and know that every step you take is shaping a more authentic and powerful version of you.

Self-Care Tip:

Nature Connection: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and find clarity. Whether it’s a walk in the park, gardening, or sitting under a tree, let the natural world rejuvenate your spirit and guide your thoughts.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“With every breath, I grow stronger and more aligned with my true purpose.”


Sagittarius season brings a spotlight on your relationships, Gemini. It’s time to connect, communicate, and collaborate like never before. Embrace the diverse perspectives that come your way and use them to enrich your own understanding of the world. This is a period to build bridges, forge new alliances, and strengthen existing bonds. Your natural curiosity and adaptability will serve you well, opening doors to exciting opportunities and heartwarming experiences.

Self-Care Tip:

Digital Detox: Take a break from digital devices to connect more deeply with the people around you. Use this time to engage in meaningful conversations, participate in community activities, or simply enjoy the company of loved ones without distractions.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I embrace every interaction as an opportunity to learn and grow.”


Health, wellness, and daily routines are your focus during Sagittarius season, Cancer. This is your cue to take charge of your well-being and craft a lifestyle that not only nurtures you physically but also supports your emotional and spiritual growth. Whether it’s adjusting your nutrition, establishing a new fitness routine, or creating a better work-life balance, remember that self-care is the foundation of success. Let this season be a reminder that taking care of yourself is the most rewarding investment you can make.

Self-Care Tip:

Mindful Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Whether through meditation, yoga, or practicing gratitude, these mindful moments will enhance your overall well-being and bring a sense of calm and balance to your life.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I nurture myself with love and kindness, knowing that my well-being is a priority.”


Leo, let your light shine bright this Sagittarius season! It’s time to embrace joy, creativity, and playfulness in all aspects of your life. Whether you’re pursuing a new hobby, expressing your artistic side, or exploring romantic connections, do it with your entire heart. Remember, you have a natural ability to inspire and uplift others, so don’t hesitate to share your warmth and passion. Let this season be a celebration of all that makes you unique and wonderful.

Self-Care Tip:

Creative Expression: Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity freely. This could be anything from painting, writing, dancing, or even cooking. Let these creative pursuits be a source of joy and a reflection of your vibrant spirit.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“My creativity knows no bounds, and my heart radiates love and joy.”


Dear Virgo, this Sagittarius season, focus on nurturing your home and personal life. It’s a time to create harmony and tranquility in your surroundings. Whether it’s beautifying your living space, connecting with family, or taking time to relax and rejuvenate, remember that your home is your sanctuary. Let it be a reflection of the peace and order you seek in the world. Embrace this time as an opportunity to recharge and find solace in the comfort of your personal space.

Self-Care Tip:

Home Beautification: Engage in activities that enhance your living space, like gardening, decorating, or decluttering. Creating a serene and organized environment will bring you peace of mind and a sense of accomplishment.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I create a harmonious and nurturing environment for myself and those I love.” 


Sagittarius season energizes your communication and social interactions, Libra. This is a fantastic time to express your ideas, engage in stimulating conversations, and expand your social circle. Your natural charm and diplomacy will shine, making it easier to connect with others and share your thoughts. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or socializing, use this time to articulate your vision and inspire those around you.

Self-Care Tip:

Engaging in Intellectual Activities: Take up a new book, join a discussion group, or start a creative writing project. Activities that stimulate your mind will not only be enjoyable but also enrich your communication skills.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I articulate my thoughts with clarity and grace, connecting deeply with others.”


This Sagittarius season, your focus turns to financial empowerment and self-worth, Scorpio. It’s a powerful time to reassess your financial strategies, explore new avenues for income, and build on your sense of security. Your intuitive insights coupled with Sagittarius’ expansive energy can lead to significant breakthroughs in your financial life. Embrace this period as a chance to fortify your foundations and manifest abundance.

Self-Care Tip:

Financial Literacy and Planning: Educate yourself about financial management or seek advice from experts to heal blocks and manifest abundance. Understanding your finances better will empower you and give you a sense of control over your future. 

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I attract abundance and manage my resources wisely for my highest good.”


Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! This is your season to shine and embrace your true self. Your natural zest for life, optimism, and adventurous spirit will be at an all-time high. This is a time to set bold intentions, pursue your passions, and embrace new experiences. Remember, your enthusiasm and openness to life’s possibilities are your greatest strengths. Use them to explore, grow, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Self-Care Tip:

Adventure and Exploration: Plan a trip, try a new sport, or explore a new hobby. Activities that feed your adventurous spirit will keep you energized and fulfilled.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I embrace life’s adventures with courage and an open heart.”


Sagittarius season brings a focus on introspection and spiritual growth, Capricorn. It’s a time to look inward, reflect on your path, and connect with your deeper aspirations. Use this period to reassess your goals, not only in material terms but also in terms of personal fulfillment and spiritual alignment. Embrace the quiet moments of reflection as they are valuable opportunities for profound growth and understanding.

Self-Care Tip:

Mindful Meditation: Dedicate time each day to meditate or engage in other reflective practices. This will help you stay grounded and connected with your inner wisdom. 

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I seek inner peace and wisdom, and every step I take is grounded in purpose.”


For you Aquarius, Sagittarius season is about expanding your social horizons and engaging in community activities. It’s a fantastic time to collaborate on humanitarian projects, advocate for social change, or simply connect with like-minded individuals. Your innovative ideas and visionary outlook will inspire those around you, making this an opportune time to drive forward collective goals and dreams.

Self-Care Tip:

Community Involvement: Participate in community service, join a local club, or attend social gatherings. Engaging with your community will not only be fulfilling but also strengthen your sense of belonging and purpose.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I contribute to the world positively, and my actions inspire change and progress.”


Dearest Pisces, as the Sagittarius season unfolds, it beckons you to set your sights on career and public ambitions. This is a period brimming with potential for you to expand your professional horizons and make impactful strides in your field. Your creativity and intuition are key assets now, opening doors to new opportunities. Ideal for manifesting your ideas into reality, this period invites you to lead projects, showcase your skills, or explore fresh career avenues. Dive into this season with an open heart and a clear vision, ready to embrace the exciting possibilities that await in your professional journey. 

Self-Care Tip:

Creative Visualization: Dedicate time to visualize your career ambitions, aligning your intentions with your subconscious to manifest your goals. Engage in soul-nourishing activities like art, spirituality, or quiet reflection. These practices not only bring peace but also hone your intuition, essential for your career journey.

Affirmation for Mercury Retrograde:

“I trust in the flow of my career path, knowing that my dreams and intuitions lead me towards fulfilling my true potential.”